Video: Lady With Snake Spirit Confesses How She Used Men
A lady identified as Flora Ruth , has revealed how she was delivered from ‘snake spirit’ after being initiated at a tender age. She has reportedly wrecked a lot of lives useless and destroyed people’s destinies through se_x. The lady revealed that her problem started when her mother took her to a local river at the age of 8, to wash clothes and plates. According to her, after washing them, her mom told her to take her bath in the river. In the process of bathing, something from the river reportedly entered her body making her weak and heavy. That is when it all started. The lady who is also a good dancer revealed how her sed_uctive moves at night-clubs were bent on one devilish intent – to lure the next naive, lus_tful victim into bed. Once se_xual contact had been made, it was mission accomplished. Although physically they had met Flora, spiritually they had bonked a satanic snake from the pit of hell! The result? Destinies entangled in darkness… Here is a shocking confessio...